Archive for May, 2010

Pingbacks and Trackbacks disabled

Pingbacks and Trackbacks have been disabled due to spam. Until I will find a solution to prevent pingback/trackback spam they will remain disabled.

DNS Updated

Weblog’s DNS records have been updated. Now our weblog can also be accessed using www hostname. Address is now functional.

Weblog Updated

A new category “Hardware news” was added. All my hardware news will go there (I will need to do something about that GAOTD image, because it’s too big and messes up the navbar).

Also, the ReCaptcha plugin has been installed in the comment system to prevent automated bots from posting crap in comments.  I had to pay my host to enable PHP sockets for this. The good thing is, they also enabled other premium features, like sendmail, database backup and file backup.

I’m also planning to update the creations section because now it’s just download links without any description except the download title.

Hardware upgrade

Upgraded the HDD on my 3rd PC (the oldest of my PCs). The PC originally had a 80 GB Excelstor drive which seems to be on it’s way to death (slow speed and relocated sectors) and a VERY old 13GB Quantum Fireball. Replaced both of these HDDs with a 500GB Seagate (had to jumper it to sata 1, because the crappy VIA chipset (the PC uses a Epox Socket A MB with VIA chipset) refused to see the drive otherwise).

I’ve imaged both old HDDs (using my secondary PC) and wrote both HDD images to the new HDD and just formated the remaining space as a NTFS partition. No Windows reinstall needed, PC boots fine.

Just another happy ending. Old hdds now move to my hardware archive. I hope the new HDD will last.

Web services

I have created a couple of web services (soap) for one of my projects. They can be used to get info about domains and IPs. Although, I’ve created those services mostly for my own internal use, you can try them too.
Service listing (with source code for each service) can be found here.
All services use old rpc/encoded soap, except “WhoisIpV2 (ASMX)”, which is document/literal standard service.
Sample client (with source code) for WhoisIPV2 service is available in the Creations section.
I might add more services in the future.

I do not provide any kind of support for any of these services. If you want to know more about them, see their source code.

New Weblog is live !

New Weblog is live ! I finally got rid of Blogger and installed WordPress. Our Weblog now has a new design (based on Motion theme). But yes, I kept the same background.

I also plan to move all my old pages (like Creations, Email) to WordPress.

Goodbye Blogger! Hello WordPress !

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