Archive for August, 2021

The old virtual server, which ran (and a number of other sites and services) will be shut down today. Although, it’s just an OpenVZ container running on someone else’s Linux box, it’s still a bit sad for me to shut down a server that I have maintained for nearly 10 years. It was the first ever VPS that I’ve ever maintained.
However, times have changed since and continuing to rent that server at the same price no longer makes economical sense when I can get a KVM with more memory, disk space and (best of all) freedom for less.

KVM offers much more freedom compared to OpenVZ. For example, I have bought a secondary IP for the KVM server and… assigned it to another KVM server which runs on a different machine. How did I do it ? I’ll tell you in the next post.

New server up !

If you can read this, is now live on a new server !
The old server will be decommissioned on September 1st.

UPDATE: IP changed once again, from test server to main one.

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