Just finished setting up virtual pc 2 days ago. Used the usb instead of wireless although when I wanted to buy it, I was warned that usb might not work well over 5m (I knew that already). Yes, it did not like a hub connected to other hub on my monitor, but a hub connected to a pc with 5m+2m (or maybe 3+2m cable, because my 5m audio cable was wayyy longer) cable worked. However, it only worked as usb 1.1 (notice on traybar about 2.0 device connected to 1.1 hub), not a big problem here, mouse and keyboard does not use high speeds and mouse has no wires at all, just the receiver, and it all works fine, both mouse and keyboard.
Now looking for high-powered usb charger for my batteries (not those just connected to +5v on usb, the real high power ones with usb electronics inside). Found one, Energizer Duo. As always (well, almost) it’s cheap in USA, and overpriced here. Why do all pc parts are so overpriced here ? a 700$ vidcard costs like 900-1000$ here.
Well, a bit off topic, but no mater.
Will update later.