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Almost finished a simple timed launch application and it’s icon handler (Icons are different for each profile and are easily configurable).
Will write more about the program and and post a link to it when program is finished
Until then, bye.

Hosting my own DNS server.

Experimenting with win2003, created my own DNS (running in a virtual machine) and it works.
So now i’ve got my own tld: *.dds. Mapped my IPTV channel IPs so I do not have to remember them.
(for example, mapped Discovery channel to, so I do not have to remember and 85 other IPTV channel IPs, which now have names)
Created some virtual hosts, they all work.
Well, I use and work with PCs since 1999 but this is my first experience using a real server OS. DNS works in my secondary PC too.
Well, I’m not saying that I really need a DNS, but having my own domains in LAN
without having to edit hosts file in every network computer is nice.
I had one big problem: after installing win2003, IPTV stopped working in my virtual machines (it does that sometimes, I don’t know why. Unplugging&plugging back utp cables sometimes solves the problem, sometimes a restart is required, sometimes I need to restart host PC).
Spent a few hours trying to fix it without success, then restarted host PC and IPTV started working again! If all problems could be fixed so easily… 🙂

Update, at last !

It was long since I updated this blog.
Some new things: I installed linux-based firmware to my router because original linksys one was a POS (if I wanted to listed to internet radio for longer time, the router would freeze completely requiring a power-reset, also it was freezing randomly without any reason, disabling internet access completely).
It is much more stable and running for 10 days without any problems (freezes, loss of internet and similar). IPTV also works without any problems.
Well, nothing else to say.


Just wanted to make a new post here.
All is OK for now, all my PCs are feeling OK.
I wish I was feeling that good.
Will try to update tomorrow.

Another tiny update

I forgot to say, I’ve bought a USB based charger Energizer Duo. It works as expected, but the driver is buggy. The clock sometimes shows crap. I tried to recharge (well, not completely recharge) 2 GP 2100mAh AA cells, the charger overcharged them, so they got hot as hell (and the clock was showing 1:40 left !). It charged 2 included enegizer 800mAh AAA cells wayy longer than 2h as was promised on the package.
I connected the charger to a powered hub, now the batteries recharge faster. It seems that the usb port in my pc doesn’t have enough juice to charge batteries faster.
The charger also works with my wall USB charger and car 12V to 5V USB charger.

I also bought a blinkie a few months ago. I now found a better use for it. I now use it as a decoration for my secondary monitor (the one virtual PC uses). The blinkie uses 3xAA cells which keep running out after a few days. I connected the blinkie to my second USB wall charger and the blinkie worked (the charger dropped voltage to 4.35V). I had to add a variable resistor to avoid overloading the blinkie as it was too bright. I made an usb plug for the blinkie from an old usb cable. I’ve tested and the blinkie works with computer usb ports too as the blinkie is LED based and default 100mA juice from usbport is enough for it.

One bad new: my phone’s lcd broke and the warranty is void. I will now have to pay for the repairs.

A tiny update

Simply wanted to update.

Well, VM is much more stable now.
But I see that our main system is running out of diskspace and that is not good.
Don’t have any extra cash for harddrives now, so I have to remove some stuff (removing duplicates now) from them.
Well, nothing more.

Update !

A not so small update:
We have a new address: and my contact email is dds[alpha]
Some other news:
Our virtual PC keeps crashing due to recent VMWare update (bugs, bugs, bugs…) always due to problem in usb driver. Waiting for the fix, but VPC is still usable, it crashes rarely, but these crashes are annoying as I have to reboot it (I could just let it restart instead of showing a BSOD, but it hangs on boot then)
Second: remote access to has died due to lack of bandwidth. Please do not visit this site. Also, do not hotlink files through our new domain, this doesn’t work due to our host restrictons.
P.S.: I guess you know what [alpha] means, as I do not want spam to my website mail.

Virtual pc: update (and some offtopic)

Well, LAN gaming idea didn’t work for 3D games. 3D games don’t work on both real and virtual pcs ant the same time (second pc displays nothing, just sound can be heard).
2D games seem to work, if both guest and host resolution is the same, but Red alert 2 doesn’t like my XP 64 IPX config so LAN does not work.
I found a software called PVPGN, it works by emulating WOL and Battlenet servers so supports most WOL and battlenet games. Unfortunately, the version I need, v1.99 is a dev. release and no binaries. And I can’t get to compile the sources. Posted a thread in their forum, maybe someone can help me there. Tried getting precompiled, but the build was crap and doesn’t work.
Still waiting… If I can get it working, it would be a good alternative to unstable Red Alert 2 LAN play using VPN software (LAN doesn’t work at all on xp64 or vista due to IPX crap).
I will try to use PVPGN for gaming virtual vs real in 2D, see if it works and is playable.
A bit off topic: waiting for the real Red Alert 3. Beta is crap, you have to pay for it and you get only online play, no skirmish, no LAN. But I hate the thing that ra3 again could be WAYY too similar to CC Generals. Where are the days of old CC ? CC3 was just like generals using tiberian sun storyline, will ra3 be the same ?

Virtual pc is up !

Just finished setting up virtual pc 2 days ago. Used the usb instead of wireless although when I wanted to buy it, I was warned that usb might not work well over 5m (I knew that already). Yes, it did not like a hub connected to other hub on my monitor, but a hub connected to a pc with 5m+2m (or maybe 3+2m cable, because my 5m audio cable was wayyy longer) cable worked. However, it only worked as usb 1.1 (notice on traybar about 2.0 device connected to 1.1 hub), not a big problem here, mouse and keyboard does not use high speeds and mouse has no wires at all, just the receiver, and it all works fine, both mouse and keyboard.
Now looking for high-powered usb charger for my batteries (not those just connected to +5v on usb, the real high power ones with usb electronics inside). Found one, Energizer Duo. As always (well, almost) it’s cheap in USA, and overpriced here. Why do all pc parts are so overpriced here ? a 700$ vidcard costs like 900-1000$ here.
Well, a bit off topic, but no mater.
Will update later.

Little update

Updated my VM a bit, now games can be run on virtual pc. Still searching the best place to buy keyboard and mouse for vpc. I thought I would need wireless, but I think it should work wired using a hub and 5m cable (at least I hope so, wireless things are expensive and require batteries, work not as good as wired ones)
Will update when I will finish VM.
Btw, a nice idea: LAN gaming on same pc (host pc vs. virtual pc). I will try it, hope it will work.

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